Our Ministries
1 Nov

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Up a Tree

To be “up a tree” is to be in a difficult situation without escape, cornered! Zacchaeus was in just such a situation. Or was he? In the Gospel we read that he was “seeking to see who Jesus was.” And he climbed a tree in order “to see Jesus.”

Zacchaeus was indeed in a difficult situation. He was the hated main tax collector, scorned by this huge crowd. And he was “short.” He could easily have been lost in the crowd. He was probably filled with fear! Imagine then how it felt when Jesus picked him out and Jesus invited himself to dine with Zacchaeus. And Zacchaeus said YES! Coming down and out of the tree changed Zacchaeus! Imagine Jesus and Zacchaeus walking arm in arm, eating and drinking—sharing a meal—and rejoicing in how easily Jesus can love someone who is lost back into life.

In what ways do we find ourselves climbing a tree, like Zacchaeus, so we can have a better view of Jesus? What are we seeking in our relationship with Jesus? And once we can see him, what happens to us, in us?

God hungers for lost souls. God sent Jesus to seek and to save what was lost. Let’s pray to discover how we too are lost and in need of saving!


Bonus reflection: Watch Kenneth’s video reflection on our St. Francis of Assisi YouTube channel by clicking here.

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