Our Ministries
17 May

Fifth Sunday of Easter

“Behold, I make all things new.”

For me, it is very important to think of creation as ongoing. God isn’t finished creating. As Sisters of Divine Providence, we believe that Providence is God’s act of continuing creation, leading and guiding all of creation in recognizing the bounteous love of God. 

Notice that the verb “make” is in the present tense. That means that God’s new creative action is happening now, in our time. And we are all participants in that creativity. New creation happens when a community of believers perseveres in loving as Christ loved. We are challenged to love as Jesus loved in the midst of violence, hatred, war, genocide, disasters and all the forces in life that threaten our capacity to hope for something new. To love generously and freely isn’t always easy; sometimes there is a cost and fear sets in.  May we always trust that what God has planted in us as hope continues to bear fruit—continues God’s creation of the new.

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