Our Ministries
1 Feb

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sometimes It Hurts

February is the time for pruning! My dad taught me when to prune rose bushes.  My brother taught me about grafting pecan trees. There’s something to this notion of “cutting back” or “adding possibilities” for new growth that parallels our faith journey. We keep the rooted parts, cut off some of what is lifeless or not life-giving, and give room for new growth.

Our readings this weekend invite us to expand our hearts to prophecy, to love and perseverance. It is never easy to change for the sake of growth. That is, however, exactly what the prophets do. They exhort us firmly and sincerely to do what is right, always with LOVE. When love is absent or waning, we “graft.” We find the goodness and love in those around us, those who wish us well, and those who will help us to become the best version of ourselves that God created us to be. God loves potential.

This weekend we have the potential to express love, loyalty, and perseverance in new and profound ways. We will be tempted to give in to imperfection in ourselves, our community, and our Church. We pray for our love to increase, for our perseverance despite distress, disappointment, and hurt at the transparent disclosure of abuse of minors by clergy in the Catholic Church. We pray for strength and courage to be prophets who name the wrong, who advocate for the victims, and who resolve and recommit to goodness and holiness among us. 

“Do not be crushed….for I am with you to deliver you.” God’s promise is one we take to heart!

Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church