Our Ministries
20 Dec

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Who Will I Visit?

If you could visit with anyone in the world, during any time period of life, who would it be? Why would you want to visit with them? What would it take to get there? And what would it be like to be in their presence after all? (Try these questions for a very interesting dinner conversation sometime soon. It’ll get you through the holidays!)

This Sunday’s Gospel of Mary going in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth is filled with emotion. It is an example of what happens when we can’t wait to share something with someone else. It’s about incredible JOY at the surprises, the new births in life. When we think something is impossible, we are reminded that with God all things are possible.

Imagine all of the conversations between Mary and Elizabeth. What all did they talk about? When do you have spiritual conversations like theirs? With whom do you have them?

As we travel to visit in the next week or so, with whom will we seek to have conversations? Who will we invite? Will we intentionally spend some time with someone elderly? Will we recognize the miraculous life, the vibrant and joyous spirit within each individual we encounter in the next few days?

Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church