Our Ministries
12 Jan

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Can You Hear Me Now?

God called the young Samuel three times before Samuel paid him any attention. How many times has God called me? I don’t always recognize God’s voice. That’s the importance, I think, of having the attitude and disposition that says over and over again—Speak Lord, your servant is listening.

I am also aware that I often depend on others to help me to recognize when and how God is calling me. Like the disciples in the Gospel for this weekend, I need “Andrew’s” or “Andrea’s” in my life that invite me, nudge me, or even beg me to be attentive to new possibilities, to God’s invitations to serve.

At times, I struggle with the capacity to say YES. That’s when I need the company of others who wish me well and will be honest with me in helping me to discern what God is calling me to do.

This week I want to do for others what I have benefitted from recently. I will look for someone that I can encourage to pursue something different—some service that takes them out of their comfort zone and that will make a difference for others. I want to encourage service.

Will you join me?

And so we pray as a community at St. Francis: Speak Lord, your servants are listening. What would you have us do? What are you inviting us to see as a need? And how will we individually or as a community respond?

Let us pray that we may all answer God’s call to discipleship.

  • For the whole Church, that we may be a community always open to God’s call and willing to respond wholeheartedly. We pray to the Lord.

  • For those whose lives are too chaotic to hear God’s call, especially those suffering from illness, violence, loss, or depression. We pray to the Lord.

  • For those who do not believe God calls them because they feel unworthy, unprepared, or too ordinary. We pray to the Lord.

  • For those unable to discern God’s will for them, that we may provide assurance, clarity, and companionship. We pray to the Lord.

  • For those called to the priesthood or religious life, that the Holy Spirit may guide them in their vocation. We pray to the Lord.

  • For all people, may God grant us courage to embrace his precious gift of life, even in the most difficult of circumstances. We pray to the Lord.

Gracious God, open our ears and hearts to your voice. Give us the awareness to hear you, especially when you speak to us through people and circumstances we do not wish to hear. Make us worthy instruments of discernment for those who struggle to interpret your call. Together, may we respond with one voice, saying, “Speak, your servant is listening.” We ask this in the name of Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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