Our Ministries
24 Jan

Sunday of the Word of God

Moving from Darkness into Light

Moving from darkness into light, experiencing factions and divisions, and being called to discipleship are huge themes in this weekend’s readings, all deserving of reflection.

Isaiah speaks of a tremendous promise fulfilled, and “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” Most of us, from time to time, experience darkness, gloom, and heaviness from burdens we bear. How is the promise of “a great light” part of our experience? Who is that light in our lives? As followers of Jesus, do we recognize when we can be that light?

Paul’s writing mirrors much of what we are experiencing in life today. We experience factions and divisions in so many aspects of our lives—in families, in sporting events, in politics, in business practices, in beliefs about justice issues. Paul preaches with great urgency about the desire to “be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.” As hard as it may be, we are all urged to listen to each other, to respect each other, and to try to identify the values that we share—to find common ground.

At the heart of both darkness and divisions in our lives is the call to “come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus extends the invitation to teach, to proclaim the Gospel, and to heal. Those called dropped everything to teach, counsel, and heal. What do we need to drop today in order to follow? Are we able to drop our phones, football games, video games, Facebook, online shopping, or whatever it is that gets in the way of our following Jesus and attending to those God puts in our path as needing light in darkness, unity among factions and the attention Jesus gave to those who were most vulnerable?

To walk in light, to heal divisions, and to say YES to God’s calls in our lives, for this let us all work and pray.

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