Our Ministries
10 Jan

The Baptism of the Lord

Come, Holy Spirit

Celebrating the Baptism of Jesus hopefully reminds us of our own Baptism. Even if we were baptized as a child, our consistent attendance at Mass, especially when we witness the Baptism of children, gives us copious reminders of what Baptism means. We often refer to the work of the Holy Spirit and ask the Spirit to renew our lives and everything in creation. We remember!

We use the sign of the cross multiple times during Sunday liturgy. Each signing is similar to the signing of our Baptism. We are initiated into the Body of Christ. By that signing, we are indelibly connected to each other, related in mind, body, and spirit. We join the Holy Spirit in active renewal of the earth and all that populates the earth. We re-member! We restore and mend relationships.

In what ways do we experience the Spirit coming to us, to our families, to our parish community, and to the Church at large? How are we asking the Spirit to be ever more present to us? How do we recognize that the Spirit is the active, transforming agent in our prayer, our rituals, and our lives?

Our fervent prayer for this week: “Come, Holy Spirit! Dwell among us! Fill us with your joy and your peace! Renew the face of the earth! Renew the face of our Church! Renew us and our parish community! Help us to live our Baptismal call.”

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