Our Ministries
24 Mar

Fifth Sunday of Lent

This week I have been facilitating a meeting of the leaders of all the religious orders in the U.S. who have Providence in their name, like my community, the Sisters of Divine Providence. Yes, transition work is well underway both at the parish and in my new ministry beginning in June. In the next few weeks, I will introduce you to resources that might help you to reflect on the Sunday readings. This week, my resource is teamrcia.com. This is their reflection on the raising of Lazarus, that deeply felt loss of a brother and the compassionate response of Jesus. That response is provoked by the faith of Mary and Martha.  How does our faith do the same?

Background: Like those preparing for the Easter sacraments, Mary and Martha already have faith in Jesus. Their challenge is to grow in that belief. Can he really do the impossible right here and now—for me? Can he really bring the dead to life—even me? Have we asked him?

  1. What part of your life makes you feel as if you were living in a tomb? What old habits or perspectives make you feel trapped and lifeless?
  2. What part of society or the church makes you feel the same way?
  3. What do you experience a call to come forth from your tomb? To liberation?
  4. How has Jesus been restoring you to life? When do you feel his new life in you?

Practice: Some people live in tombs—through chronic illness, disability, mental or emotional challenge, age, etc. Look around at your own life, and discover whom you can bring to life simply by reaching out to them. Then do so.

Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church