Our Ministries
30 Mar

Easter Sunday

These Feet

“Do you realize what I have done for you?” Jesus asks at the Last Supper. The next three days provide us with an opportunity to reflect not only on foot washing, but also on where it is that our feet take us. The foot washing we experience is a beautiful expression of “service” and willingness to include and to respect the dignity of every person. Pope Francis models that each Holy Thursday when he intentionally seeks persons “least likely” to have a Pope wash their feet. Could we do the same?

Good Friday takes us on foot to The Way of the Cross. If we walk that journey with Jesus, we understand, perhaps in new ways, what Jesus has done for us. In our reflections on this day, we might ask ourselves what are we willing to sacrifice for the good of another? Where do our feet take us when we accept that everyone, no exceptions, are our neighbors?

And finally the Easter Sunday readings have the wonderful, excited, sometimes overwhelming understanding of the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to be with us always. He appears first to the women outside the tomb and they RUN to tell the others. The feet of those who follow Jesus get worn out, calloused and often are dirty.

As we celebrate the Paschal Mystery, the institution of the Holy Eucharist (a meal that we get to celebrate at every Mass), the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, let’s be mindful of our feet and where they take us. We choose the path; we choose our companions. We choose to follow Jesus. And that means that what Jesus has done for us is what we are called to do for others.

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