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Category Archives: Parish Announcements


American Heritage Girls Registration

Are you looking for an opportunity for your daughter to grow in Christ-centered leadership? Make friends in her church community? Learn new skills, serve her community, enjoy the outdoors, and have fun? The American Heritage Girls Troop TX3145 invites St. Francis girls ages 5-18 to join our troop. Our program runs from August till May, and we are opening registration exclusively for St. Francis of Assisi parishioners during the month of July. Open registration will begin on August 1. Use the QR code to contact us for more information about registering or click below.

“To Honor, Cherish, Serve, and Love
Are what my AHG memories are made of.
Service projects and outdoor skills,
Family nights and camping thrills.
Social dances and a movie night,
Learn from God what is right.
Honoring soldiers in fallen graves,
Wreaths Across America is one of my favs.
Come and join for something fun and new,
and make your own happy memories, too!”
-Amelia Nolan, AHG TX3145 Pioneer


New E-mail for Adult Confirmation

We have established a new email address dedicated to inquiries and registrations for Adult Confirmation. Please contact Deacon Johnny Flores at AdultConfirmation@sfasat.org. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your faith and strengthen your connection to the Catholic community. Reach out today and take the next step on your spiritual journey!


Gathering in the Spirit : The Chosen

Gathering in the Spirit will be hosting Season 4 of the Chosen on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of June, July and August in the JP II, from 9 am -11:30 am. There is no cost and all are welcome. Please contact
Lorraine Bedingfield at 210.380.8939, by text to reserve your spot.


St. Francis Has Reached Our Archbishop’s Appeal Goal!

A heartfelt thank you to all of our generous donors who have contributed to the success of this year’s Archbishop’s Appeal! Your support has helped St. Francis of Assisi reach our goal and make a positive impact in our community. Let’s continue this spirit of giving and make a difference together!


Important Reminder When Receiving the Precious Blood

For the reception of the Precious Blood, all must be standing. According to the “General Instruction of the Roman Missal”, no. 286 states: “Each communicant, after receiving the Body of Christ, moves to the minister of the chalice and stands facing him. The minister says, “The Blood of Christ”, the communicant replies, “Amen”, and the minister hands over the chalice, which the communicant raises to his or her mouth. Each communicant drinks a little from the chalice, hands it back to the minister, and then withdraws.”

08 MAY

Parish Pilgrimage to France

Join Fr. Tony and your fellow parishioners on a 15-Day Pilgrimage of Art and Faith to La Belle France, scheduled for September 12-26, 2024. We will visit the art treasures of Paris and Lyon, sip the burgundy wine of Beaune and the champagne of Moët & Chandon, wander through the famous food markets where food becomes an art form, marvel at the papal palace in Avignon and the Roman excavations in Lyon and Arles, celebrate Mass at the Basilica of Saint-Denis in Montmartre, pray at the Grotto of Massabielle in Lourdes and participate in the Lourdes Eucharistic Procession. As Saint Augustine said, “The world is a book and those who do not travel ready only one page.” Come with us and read the page called
France. For more information, contact Celina Ríos Mullan at
210.385.8518 or crmpilgrim@me.com.


Men’s ACTS Retreat

We would like to invite men of the parish to join us for a life changing weekend. This experience will take place July 18-21 at the Omega Retreat Center in Boerne. It will be an opportunity for spiritual renewal and the making of many friends. The total cost will be $225. Food and Lodging are included. For more information, please contact: Greg Wilson 210.827.9640 or Javier Orozco 210.723.8897 or Wade DeRousse 210.834.2637

28 Jan

2024 Archbishop’s Appeal for Ministries

Through our baptism, we, disciples of Christ, understand that our vocation is to follow and imitate HIM, who calls us by name. As Christ’s beloved disciples, we are trusted to share HIS love and words with the world. Everything we have is trusted to us to share, so the world knows we are Christians by our love and service.

We, disciples, are invited to be food for others, as Jesus is in the Eucharist. By sharing our Time, Talent, and Treasure, we witness the spiritual nourishment of the Eucharist.

This year’s Archbishop’s Appeal for Ministries invitations to participate will arrive in the mail in a few weeks. Please, check your mail and look for this letter from the Archdiocese. Discern in prayer with your family your participation in this year’s appeal. Our parish goal is full participation. Any gift, any amount will make a difference in somebody’s life.

Gifts can be given online at www.archsa.org/archbishops-appeal. Please make sure to indicate that you are giving from St. Francis of Assisi San Antonio.

May our participation in the Holy Eucharist continue to send us forth to serve those near and far.

A través de nuestro bautismo, nosotros, discípulos de Cristo, entendemos que nuestra vocación es seguir e imitar a EL, quien nos llama por nuestro nombre. Como discípulos de Cristo, se nos confía compartir SU palabra y amor con el mundo. Se nos invita a compartir y servir, dando así testimonio de que somos cristianos.

Nosotros, discípulos, estamos invitados a ser alimento para los demás, como lo es Jesús en la Eucaristía. Al compartir nuestro Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro, somos testigos del alimento espiritual que es la Eucaristía. “El recibir la Eucaristía, nos lanza a servir,” es el tema de la Campaña del Arzobispo para los Ministerios.

La invitación para participa en la Campaña del Arzobispo para Ministros de este año llegarán por correo pronto a su casa. Por favor, este atento y busque esta carta de la Arquidiócesis. Discierna en oración y en familia su participación. Nuestra meta parroquial para esta campaña sigue siendo la completa participación de todos los miembros de nuestra parroquia.


16 Aug

Download Our Parish App!

Our St. Francis of Assisi app is available to download for Apple and Android smartphones. Stay connected with our parish throughout the week with instant notifications, quick access to online giving, Mass and Reconciliation reminders, easy access to our weekly bulletin, as well as additional features like prayers, saint of the day, and much more. Download our app today at www.myparishapp.com, text App to 55321, or search your phone’s app store for myParish.

For an app download guide, please click here.

We hope for our app to be a tool for fostering stronger parish life at St. Francis and better engaging the New Evangelization.

26 Mar

Online Giving

St. Francis of Assisi depends on the parishioner support and generosity of the weekend offertory contributions. Your continued financial support is needed for the financial obligations of the Church. You can continue to support the Church by mailing in your contributions, by making an online contribution, or by clicking the “Giving” button in our parish app. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.


If you have not set up online giving with us, you can also use this alternative online giving link from the Archdiocese of San Antonio. All proceeds will come to our parish. Please be sure to select St. Francis of Assisi – SA – San Antonio.


Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church