Our Ministries
29 Apr

Third Sunday of Easter

Come, Have Breakfast

Living the Resurrection is obviously the theme of all the days from Easter until Pentecost. How do we do that? When do we do that? What does that look and feel like?

I can’t think of a more welcoming invitation than “Come, have breakfast.” That is just the kind of tenderness and care that awakens our spirit, that has us recognize that Jesus is alive among us. He wants us to be that comfortable.

So as we listen to the Gospel this weekend, let’s reflect on the other invitations Jesus offers us: cast your nets, come and eat, tend my lambs, follow me. Imagine that you are responding to these invitations. Our responses to these invitations are all ways that we give nourishment and care to others.

When we share a meal this weekend, when we pray the traditional mealtime prayer, let’s pause and give thanks to God for all the ways that we are called to nourish and be nourished, to give and to receive, to be grateful for all the ways God loves and blesses us. May we say grace and be grace:

Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

And may our celebration of the Eucharistic meal this weekend acknowledge our great desire to live the Resurrection with Jesus, with him but in the Church, with the sacraments, with the faithful holy people of God.

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