Our Ministries
5 Nov

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Two Cents

Those of us of a certain age are familiar with the expression “my two cents.” Usually, it means expressing my thoughts, feelings, impressions, opinions. Usually, it has the implication that it may not be worth much, as in two cents, but for me, it is a contribution, a participation. Occasionally, the two cents worth of contribution to the discussion can, in fact, be the most important contribution to the discussion. And without it, the decision might be incomplete or even be disastrous.

For me, the widow in contributing her two coins is participating in the rebuilding of the Temple in the best way she can, whole-heartedly and with complete trust that God will provide for her needs. Most of us have an intense desire to “contribute.” It may be a contribution that is not financial at all. Nevertheless, the contribution, even if it is very small, can be most valuable.

I imagine that as soon as her coins are deposited, the widow is hurried away to make room for the most ostentatious givers, the ones who can give large sums. They are the ones whose names will appear on plaques and lists denoting the “Giving Circles” cleverly named and crafted to acknowledge designated amounts.

Jesus observes and proceeds to teach his disciples about littleness and abundance. The widow, a woman without a husband, has no standing in this community. In the eyes of the temple dwellers, she has no worth or importance. In spite of this, she presents herself in public to contribute what little she has to give. And Jesus favors her and uses her to teach!

Who are the persons, like the widow, who have a desire to participate in the life of the Church but who are perceived as having little or nothing to give? Why is their contribution “small” or even non-existent? Why does it go unsolicited and unrecognized?

What makes it so hard for us to be willing to be small? What is it that makes us want to look important? Do we also have a “widow’s mite” in our lives? What is it? What do we have to give that seems little, but is everything? Whose “two cents” are missing in our lives, in our community?

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