Our Ministries
27 Aug

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Because We Love God

Do I have to? I remember how often the seven of us kids would ask that of our parents when we were very young. Now I am an elder, and it seems that not much has changed. It seems that people everywhere are asking that question. Do I have to wear a mask? Do I have to get vaccinated? Do I have to welcome asylum seekers? Do I have to recycle? Do I have to forgive the one who hurt me?

“Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls. Be doers of the word and not hearers only.” Our scripture readings challenge us to both welcome the word and to be “doers.” We are asked to express our faith, to follow The Way of Jesus in concrete ways, to show Jesus to others in words and in deeds. We are asked to use God’s statutes and decrees to help us to live God’s mind and heart, in pure and undefiled activity. Living God’s mind and heart is care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and to “keep oneself unstained by the world.”

How do we keep ourselves unstained by the world? It isn’t easy! Political ideologies, conflicting messages, lies even, anger and hatred, personal freedom over the common good, to name a few, make it difficult for us to keep ourselves unstained by the world. How do we make room in our minds and hearts for God’s commands and statutes—the ones that speak of love—love of God, love of neighbor, love of self? Who are the “widows and orphans” in our midst? Who are the afflicted ones? And how do words of love become actions of love? Kathy Sherman reminds us that we are who we are and we do what we do because we love God! Listen here:

God of Mercy, Give us today the strength and courage to transform the compassion of our hearts into acts of peace, mercy, and justice. May what we profess with our lips be proclaimed in our lives. We ask this in the name of Jesus and through the intercession of Mary, our Mother of Mercy. Amen.

Adapted: Praying in the Spirit of Catherine McAuley

And if you would like to pray more,


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