Our Ministries
29 Sep

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Nature of Obedience

It’s not what you say! It’s what you do! Walk the talk!

These two common expressions sum up the Gospel parable we hear this weekend. Jesus is asking about the nature of obedience. Do we say “Yes” and then not do anything about it? Do we say “No” and then, upon mature reflection, decide that it really is the right thing to do? Who among the two is the obedient one?

Sometimes our reluctance, our hesitation to say YES might really be the right thing to do. And sometimes taking time to reflect and pray results in a YES that means something far more than we could have ever imagined!

Of the two sons (and yes today they could be daughters), which one needs to change? What counts more, saying some good words, or actually doing some good deeds?

Obedience is really about listening, about paying attention to the many “voices” and “choices” that influence us. Who of us has not said “No” and then relented and turned to God’s ways? God’s mercy calls each of us to do just that—turn to God’s ways of justice, mercy, compassion, and love.

Then we can truly live the words of the second reading: “…humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his (her) own interests, but also for those of others.”

Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church