Our Ministries
04 Aug

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

DkruppaMaking Alternate Investments

Money is a very important to all of us. We keep it in purses, wallets, money clips and sometimes even under a mattress. We have investment accounts, savings accounts and health care plans. We have to learn to be good with money so that we can provide for and be responsible for our families and all that matters to us in life. So what then does it mean to “provide for yourselves money bags that do not wear out?” Jesus’ message in Luke’s gospel is about not knowing when we will be called to our final destination, or when death will come to us. So all of us must be prepared. To be prepared is to have stored an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can steal or no moth can destroy. And how do we acquire such treasure? The command is hard: sell your belongings and give alms. It means that we are called to take our responsibility to the common good just as seriously as we take the securing of our own welfare and that of our families. Our happiness on earth may be linked to material goods. That’s the temptation. How good are we with the treasure that won’t wear out, the responsibility for the common good? Jesus is very demanding, insisting that we make hard decisions if we intend to enter the kingdom. It might be time to make some alternate investments! One good one is spending time in gratitude to God this weekend at our Sunday Mass.

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