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Category Archives: Weekly Reflections

19 May

The Most Holy Trinity

DkruppaOur friend, Buddy Mullan would always describe the Trinity as a mystery. And we can get a glimpse of what the Trinity is all about by looking at the Trinity as relationship.

The truth of God is a relational truth. Our experience of God is the loving relationship of the Father, with the Son, in the Spirit. The relationship expressed in the Trinity is one of harmony and peace. This connectedness drenches us like the rain. It floods our being. It is a grabbing embrace that keeps moving us to our re-union with God for eternity.

The relationship of the Trinity inspires all of us at St. Francis. We are a relational people in countless, inclusive ways. We are disciples learning, welcoming, eating, praying, growing, weeping, encouraging and serving together. We are about creating and delighting in creation. We are about sacrifice and cooperation. And we are friends or at least familiar faces known to each other when our eyes meet in greeting and our prayers meet in intercession that the community we enjoy will continue to give glory to God. This is what we do every weekend!

Triune God, you invite us into relationship with you and with each other.  May we be a living doxology that proclaims glory to you, Father, Son and Spirit, now and forever. Amen. And St. Buddy, pray for us!

13 May

Weekly Scriptural Reflection

DkruppaBy Sr. Rose Kruppa, CDP

Imagine those disciples in a locked room, filled with fear, without hope, purpose or identity.  There are times when I identify with that scenario. I am overwhelmed by not understanding, not having clarity, feeling that I’ve failed.  You too?

And then Christ greets the gathered with peace, as he has over and over again since the resurrection, and breathes new life into all of them–no exceptions! That new life is the Holy Spirit. This Pentecost gift makes them powerful preachers who make bold proclamations about the marvels that God has accomplished.

The Holy Spirit is our breath too! God breathes new life into us, giving us all that we need to dispel fear, to fill us with new hope, purpose and identity.  And filled with that Spirit, we become disciples in the ordinary things that we do for each other every day.  We are disciples when we are grateful for God’s gifts and when we practice using those gifts of the Holy Spirit.  To learn more about how we do that in ordinary life, Click here

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