Elementary Faith Formation
Join us for Elementary Formation
Elementary Faith Formation provides a small group environment where children kindergarten through 5th grade learn our Catholic faith guided by catechists and an accredited curriculum. Classes meet weekly September–May. Please contact Linsey Serwer at lserwer@sfasat.org for details regarding registration. Volunteer catechists, workroom assistants, substitutes, and caregivers are needed.
Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation and First Communion is a home-based preparation program in which parents, with the guidance of our formation team, prepare their children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion. Children need to be at least in the second grade and in their second consecutive year of faith formation to enroll in the Sacramental Preparation program. Please contact Linsey Serwer at lserwer@sfasat.org for more information.
Home-School Faith Formation
Home-school Faith Formation is provided as an option for families of elementary students who cannot attend our weekly classes. Homeschooling provides families with the curriculum needed to guide parents in instructing their children in the faith. The Second Saturdays for homeschool families is an optional gathering for homeschool families to grow in community with other homeschool families. The program includes prayer, lessons based on the liturgical season, faith sharing and fun for the whole family.
Join us for Vacation Bible School!
Vacation Bible School offers children 4-years-old through 5th grade a 5-day, fun-filled, faith experience. Participants make new friends, hear Bible stories and learn Catholic traditions and values through music, games crafts and fellowship. Please contact Linsey Serwer at lserwer@sfasat.org for more information.