Prayer Intention Request
Our community at St. Francis of Assisi prays for each other by name. When one of our parishioners or friends of the parish becomes ill or undergoes a tragedy, we come together to pray for them by name. This page makes prayer request submission easy. Our bulletin has a special section on page 8 titled, “Those For Whom We Pray” in which names are published for four weeks to allow our community to pray for them. If prayer is needed for longer than four weeks, we ask that you resubmit intentions as needed.
Our bulletin publication deadline is Wednesday morning. Therefore, names submitted by Tuesday morning will be published in the immediately following Sunday bulletin (except in the case of earlier bulletin deadlines due to a holiday). Names submitted after Tuesday morning will be published in the next bulletin on the following weekend.
In the form below, please carefully type the full name of the individual for whom you would like the community to pray. Please only write the name of the individual you would like to add to the prayer list.