Socialize with a purpose and share your gifts in one of our amazing ministries and organizations. We meet regularly for socials, meetings, and various projects or events they sponsor throughout the year. We have groups for men, women, children, seniors, moms, and more, each with their own mission. Join today!
Altar Care Ministry
Maintain the care and upkeep of elements necessary for Mass such as candles, holy water fonts, song books and more.
Nita Hotard
(210) 275 - 7126
Altar Linen Care
Wash, clean, dry, iron, and fold liturgical linens (purificators and corporals) for use at Mass.
Mary Clair Cater
(210) 296-6559
Altar Servers
Assist the Priest and Deacon during Masses. Open to all ages 7 and up. (Children must have their 1st Communion.)
Barbara Alvarez (210) 724-9269
Children’s Liturgy
Proclaim God’s Word to children during the Sunday 8:30, 11:15 and 1:30 Mass, and help them to apply Scripture to their lives.
Linsey Serwer
(210) 492-4600
Communion Ministers
Assist the Priest and Deacons in distributing Holy Communion at Mass.
Kari Robledo (210) 492-0801
Health & Wellness
Focuses on care of our personal health and wellness as part of our gratitude to God. Members participate in hikes, tai chi, healthy cooking presentations, and other means of supporting our overall wellness.
Lee Matecko (512) 633-1725
Hospitality Ministers
Welcome all who enter our church, find available seating, take up the collection, and distribute bulletins. Assist parishioners as needed with a smile.
Lynda Thomas
(210) 632-5704
Proclaim Scripture readings during Mass. (Not recruiting English lectors at this time due to an abundance of members.)
Tyler Scheuerman
(210) 846-3500
Liturgical Environment
Enhance our worship environment by preparing and decorating the church for each liturgical season.
Miriam Flores
Mass Cordinators
Prepare for Mass by setting out all that is needed for the celebration of the Eucharist andfilling any vacancies in other liturgical ministries
Peggy Carney
Our Common Home
Focus on service and education in the spirit of St. Francis and Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si”. Encourages recycling at parish events and has planted wildflowers to support butterflies and provide patches of beauty on parish grounds.
Jakie Scherer
(210) 254-2108
Quilting Piece-makers
Members share faith, fellowship, and friendship while they work on their personal quilting projects. Always willing to help teach new techniques and skills.
Dee Patino
(210) 843-3419
Sick & Homebound
Volunteers take Holy Communion to parishioners who cannot attend Mass due to physical condition, illness, or other reasons.
Dcn. Clinton Couch
(210) 492-4600
Spanish Ministries
Spanish Mass Coordinator
Prepárese para la Misa estableciendo todo lo necesario para la celebración de la Eucaristía y llenando cualquier vacante en otros ministerios litúrgicos.
Noelia Saavedra
(210) 833-8088
Spanish Spiritual Direction
La práctica de estar con personas mientras intentan profundizar su relación con su fe.
Noelia Saavedra
(210) 833 - 8088
Spanish Mass Choir
Mejore la experiencia de la adoración en la Misa con talentos vocales e instrumentales. (Disponible en todos los horarios de misa).
Cesar Garcia
(210) 287-5234
American Sign Language
Interpreters minister during the Sunday 11:15 Mass to allow members of the deaf community to participate in the Mass more fully. All who attend Mass are invited to learn some of the signs to join the deaf community in praying in their language.
Virginia Getz
(210) 383 - 9716
Spiritual Direction
Provided by trained parishioners and pastoral staff, to assist those who seek to deepen their relationship with God.
Jim Lopresti
(210) 386 - 0866
Marco Aldaz
(210) 240 - 4120
Finance Council
John Trusela
Pastoral Council
Wade DeRousse