Men’s Club

Men’s Club members participate in a variety of parish activities including pancake breakfasts, barbecue chicken cooking, Casino Night, and a golf tournament. Funds raised support activities in our parish and our sister parishes.

The Men’s Club of St. Francis is formed around three general goals:

-Parish Support


-Social Fellowship

-Essentially, we are here to do things useful to the parish, to support other organizations in our parish and/or community, and to have a little fun and fellowship in the process.

Our Mission

As men of St. Francis of Assisi we are committed to living the Mission of the Parish. We are committed to encouraging all men of the parish to work together in making St. Francis a strong faith community and enhance each man’s relationship with the parish. We are committed to giving our time, talents, skills, and experiences to all of our parishioners. We are committed to sharing, supporting, and being a community to each other. We reach out to others, particularly those in need, by following the example of St. Francis, with the help of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to providing resources for Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts, and special needs of the parish. We are committed to supporting annual events that promote faith sharing among the church community, such as, various fundraising events.

Our Activities

Casino Night: St. Francis Casino Night continues to be an amazing evening of fun and fellowship with parishioners and many guests. As a fundraiser, it has been a huge success raising over $260,000 for programs that include Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Youth Ministries, and in particular, to help our sister parishes, St. Timothy’s, Holy Family, and Immaculate Conception Church.

Men’s Club BBQ Chicken: An institution of St. Francis, the Men’s Club Chicken BBQ occurs four times a year, providing delicious chicken to parishioners and raising funds for the Scouts and a myriad of programs and projects throughout the parish.

Annual Golf Tournament: The Men’s Club and the Knights of Columbus Golf Tournaments are enjoyable days on the course and at Topgolf to raise money for college scholarships for the active youth at St. Francis and our sister parishes.

Pancake Breakfasts: The Men’s Club host a monthly Pancake Breakfast on the last Sunday of the month. It is free to attendees, though many generously donate to the event. We earmark any proceeds to a specific St. Francis ministry each month.

Our Impact

Through its activities, the Men’s Club has provided financial support to:

Sister Parishes—an average of $22,000 per year.

Mobile Loaves & Fishes—an average of $6,000 per year.

St. Francis of Assisi Youth Ministries—an average of $4,400 per year.

Scouts—$1,000 annually. $1,000 Scholarships—over 50 scholarships awarded in the previous six years (Men’s Club/Knights of Columbus Golf Tournaments).

All these positive and helpful activities are fun events accomplished by the men of our parish, and we would like to share this opportunity of fellowship with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can belong?

Men of the parish.

When do we meet?

The second Tuesday of the month. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm.

Are meetings mandatory?

No. But members are expected to stay connected and help when possible. (Meeting minutes and announcements are e-mailed to all members).

How much does it cost?

Membership dues are $20 annually.

How do I join?

You may contact one of the officers or complete the form online.

Men’s Club Officers


Michael Scholl


Vice President

David Lowak



Rick Hotard



Jim King



KC Ladies Auxiliary


Moms Ministry