Francis Fest Sponsorships

Booth sponsorships are now available! Any contribution donated towards a booth sponsorship will be consider as a tax deduction contribution. Donations of any amount are welcomed. Booth expenses range from $50.00 - $1,500.00. For more information please contact Miriam in the parish office at 210.492.4600.

Looking for Leaders

The Francis Fest Committee would like to invite anyone interested in taking on a leadership role for Francis Fest (coordinating a booth, recruiting volunteers, sharing ideas, and other essential roles). Please contact Miriam at 210.492.4600.

Dessert Table & Cake Walk Donations

We need sweet treats for Francis Fest! Donate home-baked or store-bought goods the day of the fest. Please call Chela Doty at 210.683.9891 for more information regarding the dessert table. For information regarding the Cake Walk please contact Laurie Woolard at 210.764.7775.

Plant Booth Donations

Bring your plants for the Plant Booth on October 4 and 5. Volunteers are needed to help organize the plants on Saturday, October 5 and help run the booth on Sunday, October 6. For more information contact Maria Vick at 575.318.3456.

Men’s Club BBQ Sale

The Men’s Club is looking forward to serving you a delicious BBQ chicken plate at our Parish Festival on October 6. Each plate will be served with a quarter chicken, sausage, beans, coleslaw, pickle, onions, and bread. Pick up will be in Henke Hall between 11 am - 3 pm with the option to dine in or take out. Order your dinners below. Online orders will be available through Sunday, September 29.